
Free download the forest beginner guide
Free download the forest beginner guide

Main Village - When exploring the surface level of the world players will eventually come across cannibal villages. Players will need to remember that this area can be very dangerous though, so they shouldn't spend a lot of time here unless they are prepared to fight. In the early moments of the game snacks and soda will be very important for the player to get their hands on as they will stop the player from starving as they work to set up more reliable ways to acquire food and water. These suitcases can be cracked open in order to collect alcohol, snacks, cloth, duct tape, and other important resources that the player isn't able to craft on their own. Right after the player wakes up from the plane crash they will find that everyone's luggage has been spread out around the immediate area.

free download the forest beginner guide

The Area Around Plane Crash - Without a doubt, one of the most resource-rich areas of the game is the starting location.

Free download the forest beginner guide